Welcome to my blog.
This is where I share my latest news and views on all things EFT.
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BUSINESS OWNERS: Are You Being A Fearless Leader?
Are you “at effect” or “at cause” of your emotion? Be that stress, anxiety, frustration, anger, or something else? And what exactly do I mean by that? And how does that affect your leadership skills? I heard my business coach – Ryan Rieder – describe it this way:- Imagine a tennis player, serving. Being “at effect” of your emotion means that the emotion (let’s say anxiety) is … Read More...

Try This... Stress is a massive issue for many people at the moment. It was a massive issue BEFORE Covid, but lockdowns have had the effect of giving it a shot of steroids. Now, some stress (in short bursts) is actually very good for you. But long, drawn out, chronic stress that you end up wading around in – like stress soup – is very bad. Bad for your mental and for your physical … Read More...

What’s This EFT Thing?!
And what can you use it for? EFT is probably best known for its effectiveness at reducing stress and anxiety quickly, but it can be used for so much more! Weight Loss Yep, that’s right! Research has shown that EFT is incredible at eliminating food cravings. Check out my You Tube video for Chocolate Cravings. We tend to view weight as a problem, but I’d like to invite you to think about … Read More...

Does EFT Really Work?!
Or is it a bit of a scam?! And I think that's a fair question. After all, the first time I met EFT the first thoughts through my head were: "What A Load Of Bollocks!" To be fair, EFT doesn't really help itself. I mean, it looks fucking weird, and you feel really silly doing it. And what even ARE acupressure points? And how can tapping them do anything?! Acupressure points are areas on … Read More...

Can’t Network Won’t Network?
Is A Fear Of Public Speaking Preventing Your Business From Growing? Due to Covid-19 I have just attended my very first ONLINE Networking meeting. I do a lot of Networking and am always inviting people I know, who have their own business, to come along. The reason being that Networking is a fantastic way to connect with and support other Business Owners and Entrepreneurs. But here's what … Read More...

Where Do You Want To Succeed?
And What Will It Take To Get There? There’s something you want – but you can’t seem to get it. This is frustrating to say the least. It can also destroy your confidence and leave you living a life that is well below par. Here’s the thing. Humans are creatures of habit. We keep doing what we’ve always done...and so we get what we’ve always gotten. If you want a different result you have to … Read More...

What’s Stopping Weight Loss?
The Biggest Mistake That Stops You Dropping Those Pounds I don’t know about you, but I have yet to meet someone who didn’t wish they could shed a few pounds (or more!) of weight – preferably without the pain of diet and exercise! Your beliefs about yourself and what you can (or can’t) accomplish because of your size are usually negative:- “I’m too fat to find love.” … Read More...

The Top 5 Tapping Mistakes
How to Avoid the Pitfalls. EFT is one of the simplest and most powerful self help tools out there – but simple doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s easy to master. So what are the top five mistakes and pitfalls that people fall into? #1 – Not Using It! ‘Well duh’ I hear you say! Yet how often have you felt stressed or overwhelmed and didn’t tap? And I’m including myself here! There have been … Read More...