Or is it a bit of a scam?!
And I think that’s a fair question. After all, the first time I met EFT the first thoughts through my head were: “What A Load Of Bollocks!”
To be fair, EFT doesn’t really help itself. I mean, it looks fucking weird, and you feel really silly doing it. And what even ARE acupressure points? And how can tapping them do anything?!
Acupressure points are areas on the body that have a high electrical conductivity. Think of them like little garden gates that open onto an energy pathway. This energy pathway is called a meridien.
When you stimulate them (in this case, by tapping them with your fingers), you’re sending an electrical message (an email if you will) to your stress response centre in your brain. Essentially telling it to chillax.
Why is that useful?
Well, when was the last time you made a really good decision whilst you were upset?
When you’re in a stress response and your emotions are high…your intelligence drops through the floor. So, by tapping when you feel stressed (or any other negative emotion) you calm that down and allow your intelligence to come back on line. Not only do you feel better, you stop being stupid.
But here’s where it gets really groovy.
When you go into a stress response it’s because you’ve been triggered by something. The trigger is something that you’ve experienced in the past, or a variant of it that close enough to alarm your subconscious.
For example:
When you were 5 you got bitten by a large, black dog. A traumatic experience that has been squirreled away in your memories and marked as IMPORTANT. Your brain is now on high alert for anything that resembles this memory, in order to keep you safe.
When you see large black dogs from now on, you instantly go into a stress response. But not just large black dogs…small white dogs, medium sized brown dogs. Anything that looks vaguely similar is enough to set you off.
That doesn’t really seem like a massive problem. Until one day you get into trouble whilst swimming in a lake, and you start drowning (God, you’re really unlucky!). As you struggle to keep your head above water, a large, friendly St Bernard comes swimming up to, not only save you, but also provide you with a shot of brandy.
This dog is about to save your life. But your brain throws up that original memory and you panic. You try to get away from your furry life saver. And as a result you drown horribly.
Now, that’s a bit of an extreme example cos I love a bit of drama. But the same theory can be applied to any part of your life.
Maybe you get very stressed when someone tells you what to do? And maybe that’s impacting your ability to hold down a job? If you trace that back, it might lead to a memory where you were bullied at school and told to do stuff you didn’t want to do. So now, anytime you are told what to do (and it doesn’t matter how nicely it’s said or how much it will benefit you), you react badly.
Not only can EFT help you to feel better NOW…you can use it to find the original memory (the root cause) and remove the emotional attachment to it.
Meaning, that you remove the trigger. Remove the trigger and, what would have once sent you off into a stress response, now WON’T.
Emotional Freedom.
*Mic drop*
But how can it even do that?!
Recall a time you really embarassed yourself. Let’s say, public speaking.
As you recall that time in your mind, notice what your emotions are doing. They’re probably going UP.
Tapping whilst holding that memory in your mind calms down the stress response and takes the emotion out of the memory. Without the emotion, you no longer get triggered into a stress response. You can recall that memory with NO EMOTION.
That memory may have been preventing you from doing work presentations that could lead to more money, or a big sale. Now it’s no longer triggering you, you’re going to lose the anxiety and stress around that.
And I’m not just making this shit up. All this has been scientifically researched.
You can learn more from one of the top researchers (Dr Peta Stapleton) here.
(You can also check out my chat with Peta HERE.)
So…does EFT really work?
Well, I can only go from my own experience – and the experience of my clients. Which is YES. EFT does work.
What does it work with? What problem do you need to have?!
I’m going to refer you back to a phrase uttered by my good friend, Brad Yates:
The extent to which you don’t have the thing you want in your life is the extent to which you are resisting it.
Ask yourself the question…WHAT DO I WANT?
When you have your answer, look at your life. Is that thing in it to the extent you want it?
Maybe money, health, love, clients, confidence…whatever.
If it’s not, then you’re subconsciously resisting it in the form of a limiting belief (or beliefs).
THAT’S where EFT comes in. Remove the limiting belief, replace it with a more empowering belief…and what do you think happens?
But don’t take MY word for it…try it for yourself! Check out my You Tube Channel for Tap Along videos.
To Tapping Into Your Personal Power!
Claire x