And what can you use it for?
EFT is probably best known for its effectiveness at reducing stress and anxiety quickly, but it can be used for so much more!
Weight Loss
Yep, that’s right! Research has shown that EFT is incredible at eliminating food cravings. Check out my You Tube video for Chocolate Cravings.
We tend to view weight as a problem, but I’d like to invite you to think about it more as a symptom. What was happening in your life when the weight started to go on? If your weight were a metaphor, what would it be? What do you say you’ll do (or be) when you lose weight that may be scaring you? What beliefs do you have a weight and weight loss?
No way! Yes way! We attach a LOT of emotion to money and harbour all kinds of beliefs about it. That’s fine when the beliefs are empowering, but what if they’re limiting?
If you say you want more money, but you don’t have it, it’s a really good indicator that your sub conscious has spotted a downside to it. I’d like you to consider this statement: The extent to which you don’t have the thing you want is the extent to which you are resisting it.
Get your FREE Guide to the 5 Biggest Blocks To Abundance (and how to get rid of them!) here.
Getting Stuff Done
I’m talking about ditching procrastination!
Procrastination is actually your sub conscious’s way to keep you save. The thing you want to do, the goal you want to achieve, if you’re procrastinating about it ask yourself this question: What’s the downside of doing/achieving this?
Sounds bonkers I know, but trust me. Your sub conscious has clocked a downside (probably completely illogical!) and is cleverly, cunningly and sometimes subtly veering you off course.
Discover my easy 5 step formula for eliminating procrastination FOR GOOD here.
Essentially, if you’re not feeling great, if you’re in pain, if you don’t have what you want…try EFT!
And if you feel Awesome – pump it up with EFT!
You can literally try it on anything!
To Tapping Into Your Personal Power!
Claire x