And What Will It Take To Get There?
There’s something you want – but you can’t seem to get it. This is frustrating to say the least. It can also destroy your confidence and leave you living a life that is well below par.
Here’s the thing. Humans are creatures of habit. We keep doing what we’ve always done…and so we get what we’ve always gotten. If you want a different result you have to change something. You have to do something differently.
Simple right?
Actually no.
A change of habit feels uncomfortable, often scary and your brain doesn’t like this. Part of your brain’s main purpose is to keep you safe – so it will actively work against you when you try to make those changes that take you out of your “comfort zone”.
This often presents itself as your Inner Voice; the chatter that goes on behind your eyeballs, giving you all sorts of reasons why you shouldn’t attempt this change. Maybe paralysing you from moving forward. Maybe just subtly distracting you so you don’t even realise you’ve been knocked off course.
Now this isn’t because your brain is bad. It really does believe it’s working for your best interests – it’s trying to protect you. Unfortunately this mis-guided self love can really get in your way and hold you back. It’s based on old programming and probably a lot of misunderstandings in the form of limiting beliefs.
This is where EFT comes in. EFT is very effective at reducing stress. A study by Dawson Church on the effect of EFT on levels of cortisol (one of the stress hormones) in your blood stream showed an average of a 24% decrease after just one hour of tapping. The normal rate of decline is only 14%. So rather than letting the fear of change stop you, you can tap to reduce the stress and discomfort around it. This gives you the freedom to examine what it is that you might be afraid of…and come to the realisation that you can actually handle positive changes.
EFT gives you the freedom and ability to change your emotional state.
80-90% of the choices we make are based on emotions. Emotional freedom gives you the power to make better choices.
That’s huge.
That’s massively empowering.
Yet so many people aren’t aware of it. Or if they are aware of it, aren’t doing it.
Yes…it looks a bit woo woo. Yes…you’ll feel a bit silly to start with. Maybe your Inner Voice will tell you you don’t need it; that your life is already moving along how you want it to. That you’re not being slowed down or held back by internal resistance and so this really isn’t for you.
You may choose to believe that. However, nothing is so good that it can’t get better and the potential benefits of EFT make it well worth giving this odd looking process a try. What have you got to lose?!
Want to Learn More? Visit for more information.
To tapping into your personal power!
Claire x